private lessons

How to start giving private lessons?


Giving private lessons allows many people to make ends meet and contribute to student success. The reasons for giving tutoring go beyond the purely pecuniary aspect. But maybe you’re still hesitant to take the leap because you don’t know where to start. If you want to know everything about giving private lessons , know that you have come to the right place! We’ll walk you through the A-Z process to becoming the perfect Sherpa. 🚀​

your administrative procedures will be facilitated

To create your profile , you will need to go to one of the official websites or , and complete the P0 micro-entrepreneur form . These administrative formalities are totally free for auto-entrepreneurs when they are carried out online . Moreover, Pôle Auto entrepreneur is THE site that will provide you with a simplified registration form. We advise you to favor it if you can.

After verification, advisers will send your form to the Business Formalities Center (CFE) to which you will be affiliated. These centers check the declarations relating to the creation of companies , changes in their situation or the cessation of their activity. CFEs are used to these procedures and know how to proceed, rest assured 😌​

Obtaining the statutes to be able to give private lessons

It is important to fill in this information so that the CFE sends your documents to organizations such as the URSSAF, the Tax Center or the Regional Health Insurance Fund.

If everything is in order, you can start giving private lessons at home or online.

You will know that you have the green light when you have obtained the precious Establishment Directory Identification System (or SIRET for short). ).

The SIRET is an Insee encrypted code that allows the identification of a French establishment or company . It’s made of :

The choice of the ideal organism .

On the Internet you will find many different organizations to start giving private lessons. You might be a bit lost (who wouldn’t be!) but what we know for sure is that signing up to is a piece of cake.

Successful registration on the site!

In a few minutes, you will be able to create your own teacher account. Thanks to our practical and accessible registration system , you will finally be able to live from your passion.

Did you know? On our platform, you are both autonomous and supervised by our teaching team! We explain, for example, how to take a good profile picture , how to write a great ad and even how to charge the right price for your lessons . So, isn’t that pretty?

Impressed by a well-written tutor ad

When filling in this information, take your time. Do not neglect this step because, if your CV is impeccably completed, you will receive the Grail: the verified Sherpa badge!

This little blue pellet is a real added value . It reassures the parents of the students, shows that you are a reliable private teacher and that you have nothing to hide concerning your professional experiences. They will have been approved, which will allow you to take a step closer to your project!

Once you have registered, all you have to do is write your ad . This step should not be done on a whim either. The more careful the announcement of a tutor , the more likely it is to attract the attention of students and their parents.

For some, an announcement is like the private teacher . If it is riddled with spelling mistakes and you want to teach French, your chances of giving private lessons will be slimmer… Especially since your profile will appear on Google since it will be referenced on our platform. You might as well put the odds on your side by taking the time to write a great presentation!

To understand how to give private lessons on the Internet , just take a look at Thanks to our online messaging system , you can exchange directly with the students and agree together on:

If you give private lessons online , you will need to dedicate a room to your activity. No student (including you) wants to work in a noisy environment. The frame should never negatively capture a student’s attention.

Teaching at home: a way to strengthen human ties.

To give private lessons at home , it must be kept in mind that it is important to adapt to the university calendar of the students. Some are free three days a week, others are only available on weekends. Just like the method of private lessons online, we will have to see together on instant messaging what is best.

Preparing the lessons, exercises and examples that will constitute your sessions is an important step in order not to mix things up and ensure quality teaching. If you do not think about all these details beforehand, your private lessons online or at home may bore the student and he will surely no longer want to continue his journey with you.

The best way to show him that you are a trusted mentor and that you can help him achieve his academic goals is to show him that you are organized, conscientious and concerned .